
Improving Standards

Our team has developed a series of “best practice" policies which are used by all staff to ensure consistency in approach as well as development of the products we deliver. We actively encourage a knowledge sharing ethos with regular team meeting which include briefings from external experts.

An example of our forward thinking attitude was the visit our staff made to Lubeck Hospital, the 2nd largest teaching hospital in Germany. This is run as a virtually paperless 1100 bed unit, using an intricate robotics system to transport 2500 deliveries around the hospital of 750 line items per day, dramatically reducing the requirement for portering services. This idea, whilst not common in the UK, is used within Europe and the US and is now an idea which we use in our development of new facilities.

This is a tangible example of UME's approach towards each major assignment: thinking ahead in conjunction with available technology to ensure maximum efficiency in order to gain competitive advantage and improve hospital cost base and affordability of schemes.

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